DNA and Disease Association

Chromosomal aberrationsCredits: www.genome.gov

DNA serves as genetic material due to self-replicating properties and repair mechanisms. DNA contains the genetic code that provides instructions for all cellular processes and development in an organism. Any changes or aberrations in the DNA can lead to abnormalities and disease states. These changes in DNA structure can occur at the chromosomal level or at the level of individual genes.

Chromosomal Aberrations

  • Any change in normal chromosomes is termed chromosomal aberration, which may be structural or numerical.
  • Structural changes include deletion, duplication, translocation, and inversion.
  • Numerical changes involve aneuploidy (monosomy, trisomy) and euploidy (haploid, diploid).

Structural Changes

1. Deletion – Loss of a chromosomal segment. Examples:

  • Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome: partial deletion of chromosome 4 short arm (4p-) (Schinzel, 2001)
  • Jacobsen syndrome: deletion of chromosome 11 long arm terminus (11q-) (Grossfeld et al., 2004).
  • Cri du chat syndrome: partial deletion of chromosome 5 short arm (5p-) (Zhang et al., 2005)

2. Duplication – Addition/copy of a chromosomal segment. Examples:

  • Bar eye in Drosophila: duplication of 16A region on X chromosome (Lindsley & Zimm, 1992).
  • Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease: duplication of 17p12 region (Patel & Lupski, 1994).

3. Translocation – Movement of a chromosomal segment to a different chromosome. Can be reciprocal or Robertsonian. Implicated in leukemias and Ewing’s sarcoma (Arvand & Denny, 2001; Turc-Carel et al., 1988). 

4. Inversion – Reversed orientation of a chromosomal segment. Para- or pericentric. Can result in position effects on gene expression (Kirkpatrick, 2010).

Possible structural changes in chromosomes

Numerical Changes:

The numerical changes are mainly of two types.


Change (increase or decrease) of one or two chromosome from a chromosome pair.

  • Monosomy (2n-1): Turner syndrome (XO): Loss of one X chromosome.
  • Nullisomy (2n-2): Loss of one complete set of chromosomes (patient will not survive).
  • Trisomy (2n+1)
  • Down syndrome or Mongolism: Trisomy of 21st pair of chromosomes
  • Edwards syndrome: Trisomy of18th pair of chromosomes
  • Patau syndrome: Trisomy of 13st pair of chromosomes.
  • Klinefelter syndrome (47, XXY): Extra X chromosome in male sex chromosome set.
  • Tetrasomy (2n+2): 48(XXXX): Two extra X chromosome.


Change (increase or decrease) of complete set of chromosomes.

  • Haploid (n): Have single set of chromosomes.
  • Diploid (2n): Have two set of chromosomes.

Gene Mutations and Genetic Disorders

Specific gene defects can lead to inborn errors of metabolism, loss of protein function, toxic metabolite accumulation and disease:  

  1. Cystic fibrosis: Mutation in CFTR gene encoding chloride ion transporter causes altered ion and water transport in lungs and other organs (Quinton, 1999). It is caused A mutation CFTR gene due to deletion of three nucleotides, results loss of one amino acid (phenylalanine) at 508th position in the protein.  
  2. Duchenne muscular dystrophy: Mutation in dystrophin gene disrupts muscle fiber stability and causes progressive muscle wasting (Hoffman et al., 1987)
  3. Sickle cell anemia: Point mutation in beta globin chain causes hemoglobin polymerization and red cell sickling (Pauling et al., 1949).
  4. Hemophilia: Mutations in clotting factor genes F8 (hemophilia A) or F9 (hemophilia B) cause impaired blood clotting ability (Giannelli et al., 2018).

Several other examples like Pompe disease (acid maltase deficiency) (Hirschhorn & Reuser, 2001), Lesch-Nyhan syndrome (HPRT deficiency) (Torres & Puig, 2007), etc. highlight the dramatic phenotypes that can arise from single gene defects.

DNA Repair Defects and Cancer

  • Nucleotide excision repair (NER) pathway fixes bulky DNA lesions. Mutations affecting NER genes can cause cancer-prone syndromes like xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) (Cleaver et al., 2009).
  • Faulty tumor suppressor genes (e.g. RB, p53) or hyperactivation of proto-oncogenes (e.g. RAS, MYC) via mutation can trigger unchecked cell proliferation and tumor formation (Vogelstein & Kinzler, 2004).
  • Chromosomal translocations are common in leukemias and lymphomas, juxtaposing proto-oncogenes next to highly active promoters (e.g. BCR-ABL in CML) (Nowell & Hungerford, 1960; Rowley, 1973).

  1. Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome:
    • X-linked recessive disorder caused by HPRT deficiency, leading to hyperuricemia and gout.
  2. Adenine Phosphoribosyltransferase Deficiency (APRT):
    • Autosomal recessive disorder causing adenine accumulation and urinary tract issues.
  3. Phosphoribosylpyrophosphate Synthetase Superactivity:
    • X-linked recessive disorder causing purine overproduction, leading to hyperuricemia, gout, and developmental abnormalities.
  4. Adenosine Deaminase Deficiency:
    • Causes severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) due to impaired DNA replication.
  5. Uridine Monophosphate Synthase Deficiency:
    • Autosomal recessive disorder causing orotic acid accumulation, leading to anemia and other complications.

A wide spectrum of hereditary disorders and acquired diseases like cancer have now been traced to underlying abnormalities in DNA sequence, structure or regulation. Understanding the molecular genetic basis provides insight into pathological mechanisms and opens new avenues for predictive diagnosis and therapy.


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Beaven Manjengwa is a biotechnology enthusiast with a Bachelor of Science Honors degree in Biotechnology from Panjab University, Chandigarh, India. He has undertaken specialized courses in Next Generation Sequencing Technologies: Data Analysis and Applications, Academic Paper Writing and Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), as well as Digital Marketing and Management Studies. With a strong foundation in biotechnology and a keen interest in digital marketing, Beaven is dedicated to advancing scientific research and its applications through a blend of technical expertise and strategic communication.
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