Bioinformatics Tools

Our platform provides a wide range of tools and resources to assist researchers and students in their bioinformatics projects and studies

Generate Random Sequences

Free tool to generate random DNA, RNA or protein sequences using frequencies of nucleotides or AAs.


The Genetic Codes

Standard Genetic Code and variations in different organisms, such as Vertebrate Mitochondrial, Yeast Mitochondrial, Mold, Protozoan, and more.


Molecular Biology Resources

A curated compilation providing researchers with easy access to essential molecular biology databases and online tools.

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DNA & RNA Calculations

A set of functions for useful formulas for DNA & RNA calculations and Conversions

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Tm Calculator

A tool to calculate the melting temperature (Tm) of DNA primers based on either basic calculations or advanced base-stacking thermodynamics


Sequence Alignment

Pairwise Alignment of DNA, RNA or protein sequences using Smith-Waterman alignment method and Needleman-Wunsch algorithm.

Align Sequences

PCR Amplification

The aim of in silico PCR is to simulate PCR results from DNA by using up-to-date sequenced bacterial genomes as input.

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