Generate Random Sequences

Free tool to generate random DNA, RNA or protein sequences. It allows to shuffle a sequence, generate a random sequence by using frequencies in a sample sequences, or by providing frequencies of nucleotides or aminoacids.

Row sequence to be randomized
DNA or protein nature of the sequence will be automatically detected. Non-coding characters are removed by default.

Generate a random sequence of length with composition above
If the length is blank, the characters above will be shuffled.
Generate a random DNA sequence of length and % composition below:
A: C: G: T:
Generate a random RNA sequence of length and % composition below:
A: C: G: U:
Generate a random protein sequence of length and composition (‰) below:
A:   C:   D:   E:   
F:   G:   H:   I:   
K:   L:   M:   N:   
P:   Q:   R:   S:   
T:   V:   W:   Y:   
FASTA Number of sequences to generate: